" The fight over Bully continues, with the National Association of Theatre Owners now making its own threats. News came out last week that the MPAA upheld its R-rating for The Weinstein Company’s Tribeca 2011 doc about school bullying and since then the Weinstein Co has considered releasing the doc unrated and even to boycott the MPAA altogether, a move could have implications for its future releases. If TWC indeed goes ahead with releasing the film unrated, NATO said today in a letter to Weinstein boss Harvey Weinstein that it will urge members to consider the Lee Hirsch-directed film an NC-17 movie." -Philip DeFranco [PhillyD.tv]
Bullying is a serious matter and this film was made so that Middle & High Schoolers could see how it effects the Bullied and how it hurts everyone else.
I believe that this is an important documentary that attacks the issue head on in hopes to educated kids and people alike on the serious issue of Bullying.
Please take your time and Sign this petition to keep the Documetary Film 'Bully' PG-13; Sign Petition!
1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjjeHeAzZZM
2) http://phillyd.tv/post/18471659560/the-fight-over-bully-continues-with-the-national
3) http://www.change.org/petitions/mpaa-dont-let-the-bullies-win-give-bully-a-pg-13-instead-of-an-r-rating