
Monday, February 18, 2013

Revenge Porn

My thoughts on the 'Revenge Porn' issue surfacing on main-stream news media tonight.

If you let someone take a photo of you naked or partially nude or for any reason were a photo is being taken of you by someone other than yourself.

This is considered a consensual act.

"In History, a consensual contract is a contract that arises from the mere consensus of the parties. It does not require the performance of any formal or symbolic acts to fix the obligation. Although the consensual contract was known to the common law, it originated in Roman law. In Roman law, this embraced four kinds of contracts in which informal consent alone was sufficient: (1) an agency agreement (2) a partnership agreement, (3) a sale, or (4) a letting or hiring. Consensual contracts require no formalities to create them out of the Pact. Consent of the parties is more emphatically given in a consensual contract. When the assent of parties is given, at once there forms a contract. " -

So you or someone is consenting to have someone else take a photo of them, and in America at least; Possession is 9/10ths of the law. -

So unless a written contract forbidding the sale of, and or the public dissemination of is made. The owner of the photo(s) can sell, distribute and or post and the like the photos taken of you.

So if these people whining about their nakedness on porn sites were really truly concerned they would not have taken the photos to begin with, or would have made such contracts of law that would have forbid any release of the photos beyond specified persons and or places.

I understand that it is extremely embarrassing and may inadvertently affect their life in various ways, and I do feel for them.

But we do not need any more laws limiting freedom of speech, just because some people cannot handle their own Sh*t!

**Wake up and smell Reality or get off the Boat!**

R. William Holzkopf Jr.

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