32 Senators voted FOR American Workers by voting AGAINST Amnesty.
(Info From:)
Excerpts written by: Gretchen Pfaff
Please call and thank them!
Call these Senators and thank them… here are some talking points when
you make these phone calls (names and phone numbers below):
1. Thank you for your vote against S 744. I realize that there was a
great deal of pressure from moneyed, special interest groups, and I
appreciate that you were able to stand up to them.
2. There is
no guarantee of border security first, and no reason to believe that we
will not have a repeat of the failures of the 1986 amnesty.
3. America needs less immigration, not more, and we need to stop illegal immigration.
4. I appreciate your vote against this bill that is so wrong for America.
Say “Thanks” to these Senators:
GA Saxby Chambliss 202-224-3521
MS Thad Cochran 202-224-5054
TX John Cornyn 202-224-2934
ID Michael Crapo 202-224-6142
WY Michael Enzi 202-224-3424
IA Charles Grassley 202-224-3744
OK James Inhofe 202-224-4721
KY Mitch McConnell 202-224-2541
KS Pat Roberts 202-224-4774
AL Jefferson Sessions 202-224-4124
AL Richard Shelby 202-224-5744
MO Roy Blunt 202-224-5721
AR John Boozman 202-224-4843
NC Richard Burr 202-224-3154
GA John Isakson 202-224-3643
KS Jerry Moran 202-224-6521
OH Robert Portman 202-224-3353
PA Patrick Toomey 202-224-4254
LA David Vitter 202-224-4623
MS Roger Wicker 202-224-6253
SD John Thune 202-224-2321
OK Thomas Coburn 202-224-5754
IN Daniel Coats 202-224-5623
WY John Barrasso 202-224-6441
NE Mike Johanns 202-224-4224
ID James Risch 202-224-2752
SC Tim Scott 202-224-6121
KY Rand Paul 202-224-4343
UT Mike Lee 202-224-5444
WI Ron Johnson 202-224- 5323
NE Deb Fischer 202-224-6551
TX Ted Cruz 202-224-5922
I am 60 today
3 weeks ago
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